The Silver Bulletin 2011.

The Silver Bulletin is publication that I have edited, designed and contributed to since it began in 2011. It started out as a very direct response to post-earthquake Christchurch, the city I was living in at the time. For anyone unaware, on February 22nd 2011, a large earthquake caused major damage to Central Christchurch, killing over 150 people and essentially closing off the entire central city for the years since. As of March 2015, there is a heap of activity and rebuilding around the city, but for a long time, it was simply a cordoned off 'red zone'. As a result immediately after the earthquake, all of the galleries, gig venues, coffee shops and project spaces—the usual venues for cultural exhcange— were either destroyed or out of action. For me— a MFA student stuck in the middle of this environment—it suddenly felt quite vital that something like The Silver Bulletin should exist.
The idea was that the Bulletin could be a kind of 'stand in' for these usual places of cultural exchange, that it would be a venue for writing, interviews, artist page-works, and other content that those in the arts community were still producing. The publication not being tied to any specific location — distributable — yet still very hold-in-your-hands tangible seemed to give it somewhat of a tactical upper-hand in this new environment we all found ourselves in, and it went well, I produced 5 issues during 2011, which can be viewed here.
Printed November 2011
Risograph Black & Red
Edition of 500
Articles by Delaney Davidson, Roy Montgomery, Johanna English, Andrew Just and myself, an interview with a sign-writer, page works by Tjalling de Vries and photographs from Blair Barclay.
You can read my article from the issue, Way-finding, here.

Printed November 2011
Risograph Black & Yellow
Edition of 500
Issue #4 is loosely themed around ideas of distribution and the transfeerance of knowledge. Articles by Sophie Davis, Dylan Herkes, Hamish Win, and myself, photographs from Tim Veling and back cover by Telly Tu'u.
You can read my article from the issue, A Kind of Transmutation, here.

Printed November 2011
Photocopier and Red Stamp
Edition of 250
Issue #3 was a special edition of the Bulletin. It was released at a Delaney Davidson/Reverend Beatman apocalypse-themed gig. The publication acted as a sort of 'order of service' for the show, and was handed out at the door. All the content in the issue was similarly themed around the end of the world.
Contributions from Reverend Beatman, Delaney Davidson, Jane Maloney and Abby Knapton. Middle pages by Dawn Marble.

Printed June 2011
Risograph Black & Blue
Edition of 500
Interviews with Delaney Davidson and The Eastern, articles from Andrew Just, Dawn Marble, Sebastian Warne, Oscar Enberg and myself. Front cover and diagrams throughout by Ella Sutherland and back cover by Zina Swanson.
You can read my article from the issue here.

Printed April 2011
Risograph Black & Red
Edition of 500
Issue #1 of The Silver Bulletin was released at Christchurch Pecha Kucha Night 10. On the night I also delivered a talk to introduce the project. This first issue was a bit of a scattershot publication, a survey of content quickly available at the time. It includes articles from Jessica Halliday, Stephen McCarthy and myself, and photographs by Tim Veling.
You can read my article from the issue here.